Bulk Products & Materials Sales

Providing aggregate materials & dirt you need for the job.

Our Yard can provide the bulk products & material sales you are looking for. Fill dirt, sand, gravel/aggregate, screened topsoil, limestone, mulch - whatever aggregate material - we can provide it!

Yard dirt materials

Fill Dirt

Standard-fill dirt is an inorganic subsoil that contains broken-down rocks, clay, sand, and debris. Fill dirt is used as a place filler and provides stability for construction projects. Certified clean fill dirt is screened to remove all organic matter, toxic substances, flammable materials, and debris.

caged rocks from the yard

Hardscape/Landscape Materials

Hardscape refers to hard landscape materials in the built environment structures that are incorporated into a landscape. This can include paved areas, driveways, retaining walls, sleeper walls, stairs, walkways, and any other landscaping made up of hard-wearing materials such as wood, stone, and concrete, as opposed to softscape, the horticultural elements of a landscape.

lined up trucks at the yard

Top Soil

Topsoil is the mineral and nutrient-rich top layer of soil found within the first 5 to 12 inches of Earth’s surface. Topsoil is made of varying compositions of sand, silt, clay, and looks black-colored due to high levels of organic matter. Topsoil is used to build gardens, fix lawns, and improve drainage.

hardscape materials from the yard

Mulch Sales & Delivery

When choosing a product for the job, our dedicated sales team has the information you need. We have the capability to deliver products right to your location with safety and precision. Let us assist you in providing additional info on what works best for your situation.

Our convenient Middletown, Ohio location is ideal for Cincinnati and Dayton landscapers. Materials are stocked regularly throughout the year, and specialty materials can be sourced as your job needs.

Visit The Yard

2655 Carmody Blvd.
Middletown, OH 45042


(513) 727-1075


Have a project? Let’s discuss.

We are always looking for new opportunities and willing to help with your next projects.

Contact us at the link below to see how we can help.